Participation standards

Rules and regulations

All the Manuscripts must have the below listed in the Cover Page of the Manuscript. The word count regulation does not apply for the Cover Page.

Download a copy of rules and regulations here View / Download

Editorial standards

All manuscripts must satisfy the editorial standards . All contestants must strictly follow the below Editorial Standards.

NOTE: Only one Submission per Entrant will be accepted.

Each Submission must be a completed single-document manuscript of word count in respect to the categories. Submissions must be in English and double-spaced in Times New Roman font and font size 11. Submissions must also be consistent with all the YS - Publication House Editorial Standards. Page numbers in the format of Page 1 of 1 must be applied to all pages of manuscript exempting the cover page.

Download a copy of Manuscript format here View / Download

Submissions that do not meet these requirements will not be considered for Prizes. Picture books and love stories will not be considered; however, young adult mystery novels are acceptable.

Below are the word count requirements in respect to the categories.

Category - I 300 to 1000 words
Category - II 1000 to 3000 words
Category - III 3000 to 40,000 words

Below are the genres of books that will be accepted for the contest.

  • Children Books
  • Mysteries / Thrillers / Suspense
  • Fantasy
  • Middle Grade
  • Short Stories
  • Non-Fiction